The finale of the Viewaskewniverse series of movies finishes with a bong, er, uh, bang. Not even close to the best of the series, but definately a fun trip. Kev rips on everything and everyone with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek. I will admit that this film is NOT for everyone, but if you enjoyed the previous films you should enjoy this one as well.
Banky: That's what the Internet is for, slandering others anonymously.
Sissy: Stealing, boning, blowing s**t up.
Banky: You know what? I feel for you boys, I really do, but Miramax - you know, Miramax Films - paid me a s**tload of money for Bluntman and Chronic. So it occurs to me that people badmouthing you on some website is none of my f**king concern. Silent Bob: Oh, but I think it is... We had a deal with you, on the comics remember, for likeness rights, and as we're not only the artistic basis, but also obviously the character basis, for your intellectual property, Bluntman and Chronic. When said property was optioned by Miramax Films, you were legally obliged to secure our permission to transfer the concept to another medium. As you failed to do that, Banky, you are in breach of the original contract, ergo you find yourself in a very actionable position. Jay: Yeah.
Jay: What the f**k are you bitches babbling about?
Chaka's Production Assistant: You the man. Chaka Luther King: No, you the man, and that's the problem.
The film originally received an NC-17 rating. Numerous scenes had to be cut down for an R, including footage of George Carlin and Jay and Silent Bob's arrival to Hollywood.
This is the fifth and final film in Kevin Smith's intricately interconnected View Askewniverse series (the first four being Clerks., Mallrats, Chasing Amy and Dogma). The movies are all linked by characters, themes and events and each contains numerous references to the others.
When the jewel thieves get their pizza, the name of the pizza place is "Marvel Pizza". The man delivering the pizza is the head of Marvel Comics.
Names of the security guards at Miramax are all references to comic book characters, including Gordon (James Gordon, Gotham City Police Commissioner), Shaw (Sebastian and Shinobi Shaw, members of the Hellfire club), and Akins (another Gotham City Commissioner.)
The word "fuck" is used 228 times.
Credits Fun:
Credit for Malcom Ingram as a "Mewes Wrangler"
Like Smith's other films, this one closes with a snippet of Jay's dialogue
Instead of "Jay and Silent Bob Will Return In...", it now reads, "Jay and Silent Bob have left the building." There is then a clip of Jay saying "Snoogans".
After the credits, That Woman (God) closes the book on the View Askewniverse and prances away
No animals were harmed during the making of this film, but some internet snipers got their asses handed to them.
The Director Would Like to Thank...
GOD - He Who makes it all possible
JEN - She who picks up His slack with patience, love and lust
SCOTT - Without whom, I'm nothing
JAY - Without whom, there's no movie
BOB - For Saying "Take' em out of Jersey"
HARVEY - For Saying "Kevin and Scott are making a movie where?!?"
MOM AND DAD - The best parents a guy ever had
GAIL AND BYRON - A close second
HARLEY - For her never-ending fascination with poo-poo
GORDON - For the same
JAMIE - For shooting the best looking flick we've ever made
JIM - For scoring the best looking flick we've ever made
SLOSS - who coined the phrase "It's Dogma without the religion."
RASKIND - who coined the phrase "I'd fire Sloss for saying that."
AFFLECK - Once more into the breach, dear friend
MATTY - who didn't charge nearly as much as the breach guy
LEE - who did double-duty
BRIAN AND JEFF - who did it yet again
PHILBERT - for sound editing advice
VORDO - for sound editing advice
TIM - who kept it all running smoothly
LAURA - who kept it all running smoothly and under budget
GOOSEBERG - for C.G.I., there's no better man out there
SUE - for you, there are better men out there
THE CAST - who elevated a bunch of dirty words with their talents
THE CREW - who elevated everything else, with a smile
BRYAN - who laughed at "Give me the map Scott!"
WALT - who laughs at Bryan's expense
GINA - for coming back
MONICA - who makes Scott come - to work, you pigs. To work.
MING - He's the deejay, I'm the rapper
BRAD AND CHRIS - they're the wheels of steel
JIM MCLAUCHLIN - the wizard of Wizard
AINT IT COOL MIKE - the Cool of Ain't It Cool
CHAPMAN - who's merchandising my kid right into private school
CAROL - who's keeping it all accounted for
MATT WAGNER - for the logo we've gotten a lot of mileage out of
OEMING - for the artwork we'll milk to death
THE FOLKS WHO POST AT WWW.VIEWASKEW.COM - for the never-ending kind words
THE FOLKS WHO POST AT AINT-IT-COOL-NEWS.COM - for the never-ending abuse
HAWK & PIERSON - for starting this whole mess
MALCOLM - the best sport outside of hockey
No gay people were harmed during the making of this film (however, some were used as test dummies in the creative process).
Anybody who uses the insults contained in this film on any gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or heterosexual person --real, percieved or imaginary-- is a total dumbass!
Near the end of the credits, it says: How's our driving? Tell us at
DVD Easter Eggs: (Hidden So You Don't See Anything You Don't Want To See)
Edition: Dimension Collectors Series
Region: 1
Description: Hidden Trailer, Jason Mewes' Nutsack and more!
a) Insert disc 2 into your DVD player, once the menu screen appears, press stop so your TV screen is blank and the DVD logo appears. Press 10+ on your remote keypad, and then enter in 64. This will access a trailer, that you cannot see anywhere by searching through the menus.
b) Go to Filographies, select James L. Venable.
Then enter 19.
c) On the second disc, first go to the cast and crew page. Select the one for Jason Mewes. Push up on your remote, and a new word will apear at the top of the screen "Balls!". Push enter, and you will see an interesting out take of Jay.
d) After the credits are over Alanis Morissette AKA God closes the book on the View Askew Universe.
e) On disc two, press stop, then depending on your player, press 10+ then punch in any number between 58-64; or display, then go to titles 58-64. 59,60, and 61 are all the same, but the others are all different.