The Flash Store: Electronics

The Flash FoundMi Bluetooth Tracker
The Flash FoundMi Bluetooth Tracker  
 price: 19.99  releaseDate:
 manufacturer: Bioworld  upc: 190371438042
 category: Electronics  subcategory: Flash
 source: Entertainment Earth  

We can't make the Flash run backwards and reverse time for you, preventing you from misplacing your phone, but this tool can help fast-forward through all the times you might do so in the future. Tag your phone, bag, keys, tablet, or other daily must-haves with the Flash FoundMi tag, link the tag to the app on your phone, and you'll never waste time searching for your stuff again. Attach a Foundmi hero to anything and instantly find it by sound using the app's alert function. When in Bluetooth range, the alert option will cause your tag to emit a loud alarm allowing you to quickly find the stuff you love. And if you lose your phone, once Foundmi is paired to your smart phone, you can remotely alert your misplaced phone. Simply double tap the button on your Foundmi tag to sound the alarm on your phone and find it fast. The app utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to communicate with your hero. The maximum range is 100-feet. Ages 14 and up.


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